Donate to the Bonner Springs Library!
Thank you for your donation! Every donation helps us provide the best services for our patrons.
Material Donations
Gifts or donations of books or other materials are accepted with the understanding that they may be used or disposed of as the library determines is appropriate. Gifts that are not added to the collection will be given to the Friends of the Bonner Springs City Library for resale.
Bonner Springs City Library will only accept items in good condition. Donations of newspapers, textbooks, encyclopedia sets and used computer equipment will not be accepted.
Under existing law, gifts to libraries may be deductible; the deductibility is governed by the provisions of the Internal Code of 1986 as amended. The library staff is prohibited by law from providing appraisals or establishing value. Evaluation of a gift is the responsibility of the donor.
All material gifts made to the Bonner Springs City Library become the sole property of the library and remain so until they are either added to the collection or until a decision is made by the Library Director and/or Board of Trustees about their appropriate use.